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스펀지 마이크로바늘의 네 가지 주요 특징

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스펀지 마이크로바늘의 네 가지 주요 특징

For spongilla spicules,i'd like to indroduce four main features of it.of course,our spongilla spicules have other advantages, compared to the Chinese white spicules extracted from other company, our C99 white spicules are more complete, less broken spicules, pure white without yellowing, more pointed spicules, upgraded pricking feeling, and stronger pricking feeling than other companies' Chinese spicules.
implantation by application,No significant pain
like a needle, but not Invisible and touchable
non-instrumental needle.0 trauma, 0 bleeding.0 bleeding.no anaesthesia require.
a differentiated feeling.A remarkable effect

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